Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers


Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 31, 2010

October round up

It has been a busy month. Lots of growing, developing, talking, tantruming, sibling fighting and loving:)). October and November are probably our favourite months of the year here in Taiwan ..the weather is sooo nice as we head into fall and before it gets really chilly in January/February. That means lots of outside time!!!! Thanks to Dora and Diego both kids are wandering around with the odd Spanish phrase or word...Between the English, Chinese and Spanish i have to listen carefully to follow:))

Riding bikes round the nearby school.

The other day i was in the kitchen and two little people went running passed with arms full of toys...when i came around the corner there they were. Later a small truck was used to ferry things to and fro from the chair.

Maya with her dolls..

Another of D's puzzles.

At our favourite park (with the starbucks:))

At the Jazz this point someone had walked past and given Dylan a balloon but it was their last one and they did not have one for Maya. We promised to find one for her soon..she kept saying "Where's Maya's balloon?" We did get one just after this :)
We had a really nice place to sit at the first stage.

Dylan up on dad's shoulders so he could see was imitating the Saxophone player with his balloon stick...He loved listening to the wind instruments.

There is a new grassy area next to the Park Lane department store. What is a grassy hill if you don't roll down it?..of course that is not necessarily done here:) We got a few strange looks.

And then the girl on the left started joining in...

Maya didn't want to do more than one roll but loved running after Dylan and giving him a he is heading around and almost back up the hill...notice the couple on the left having a good giggle and the guy with the camera was snapping away:)

On the second day after stopping at the two smaller stages we spent some time listening to the evening big band act warming up...the actual show was a bit late for our little guys.

Having a cooking, making tea session.

At the Wen xin park this weekend. The weather was gorgeous.

Up at Metropolitan Park with the ducks and turtles.

Maya watching the kites.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Ciro's birthday

It was Ciro's birthday last Friday. I made a cake in the morning and spent the morning listening to "Daddy's birthday cake"; "yummy" ; "Happy birthday to daddy" so finally when Ciro got home for lunch Dylan could not wait to show him the cake and Maya was already seating herself at the table:))

Huff and Puff to get that candle out!!

We went to the Science museum on Saturday...Maya was attacking the video of the dinosaur with roars and all!!

At Starbucks..Dylan's "cheese" face:))

Last Wednesday was our anniversary....nine years!!

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Catch up for September

September flew by. It has been a crazy busy month at work and at home. Lots going on...both kids growing and doing so well. Lots of sibling love.... and rivalry going on:)) So here is a recap in pics...:))

Playroom hugs and games...

At the Science museum with the pretty Maya:))

Dylan loves puzzles and this 3d puzzle/ story scene was no exception

"Maya" a portrait by Dylan:))

Out and about in Taichung

Maya and her "babies" "doo doo-ing" (sleeping)

..and again..One of her favourite games is setting up each of her dolls (not all pictured) to sleep..each has to have their own pillow and times the living room looks like a dormitory:)

Dylan's latest camera face..the "smile until my eye's close" face.

At metropolitan park.

Kisses for daddy.

Maya loves the park and is into everything the amazement of a family on this particular day. They were trying to get there much older child to go down the slide and the poor kid got the added pressure of.."Look at that little sister she is so small and she can run there and do this etc..." Of course Maya realised they were watching her and then she became even more daring..the other little girl did seem to gain confidence when Maya waited for her and went with her.

Dancing the mouse- ka- dance.

The pool closed the end of September so we spent the last few weekends getting as much use out of it as possible.